

With our plaforizing plant capable of handling dimensions up to 2.5 m x 2.0 m x 2.0 m, we can guarantee the same pretreatment process for larger pieces or a greater quantity of smaller pieces. This increases productivity without compromising quality parameters.

Proceso de pintura electroestática


Electrostatic Painting

The quality of our painting plant allows us to guarantee our clients up to 1,300 salt chamber hours, working on pieces up to 3 meters long in a variety of colors.​

This requires the Plaforizing and Electrostatic Painting process.

Do you have a project?

Enter your data in the form; the versatility and precision of our state-of- the-art machinery allow us to complete projects in reasonable times, offering the best manufacturing alternatives with optimal material use, which results in highly competitive prices.

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    Pramec is a metalwork industry established in 1979. Since its very beginning, Pramec has been recognized as one of the main contributors for the development of the automotive industry in Colombia as well as in the motorcycle industry in the last few years.

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